Terry Goss & Associates - Dental Team Training and Consulting Firm

Collaborative Leadership

Become the rare leader who helps team members align themselves in pursuit of a shared vision.

When leaders have the wisdom and courage to share management and leadership responsibilities, the entire practice thrives, achieving a level of success and freedom beyond your wildest expectations. 

Collaborative leaders work to create an empowering, choice-based environment where everyone’s voice is heard, and their contributions fully appreciated. When your entire team takes responsibility for the success of the practice and works toward a shared vision, the practice thrives and the team experiences fulfillment in their work.

You can become that rare leader who helps others improve their decision-making and performance without direct supervision. Terry and Janis show you how.

Learn Collaborative
Leadership Skills to...

Leadership Coaching

  • Articulate and model your vision and values 
  • Develop a powerful voice for positive change 
  • Establish a system for accountability 
  • Delegate, follow up and move forward 
  • Acknowledge and appreciate everyone’s contribution
  • Increase team energy, improve focus, and expand results 
  • Maximize participation and fulfillment for each team member 
  • Encourage creativity and expansive thinking 
  • Inspire an enterprising spirit throughout the team

Learn Collaborative Leadership Skills to...

Collaborative Leadership - Retreats